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Industrial All-in-One Panel PCs for Marine and Offshore Applications

Industry Development Background

The advancement of offshore vessels is intricately linked with maritime transportation, the fishery industry, tourism expansion, energy exploration, and various other sectors, catalyzing the growth and enrichment of regional economies and cultures.


With modern science and information technology playing an ever-expanding role in every facet of our lives, the influence of Industry 4.0-driven industrial advancements has progressively extended to the maritime sector. In this context, the utilization of marine equipment is also evolving towards automation, intelligence, and seamless integration.


Industry Application Requirements

The internal systems and structures of vessels are intricate, housing a multitude of electrical and control equipment, often resulting in challenges such as elevated maintenance expenses and diminished management efficiency. The industrial all-in-one panel PC consolidates numerous functions encompassing display, computation, control, and communication, presenting offshore ships with a sophisticated solution for intelligent display and control applications. This technology serves as a robust hardware foundation for seamless integration into information-based shipping ecosystems.


Moreover, given the maritime environment's elevated salt content and humidity levels, electronic devices are prone to moisture-related corrosion. Consequently, touch all-in-one PCs designed for marine applications must exhibit enhanced industrial protection properties.


Consider the 5th-Gen industrial all-in-one panel PC as an illustration. Its rugged, heavy-duty design philosophy is adept at addressing the diverse challenges posed by maritime settings. This PC is crafted from high-precision aluminum alloy die-casting enclosures, rendering it impervious to salt spray erosion and electromagnetic disturbances. Inside, a shock-resistant structure is reinforced with sealing and waterproof strips, while threaded DC connections are employed to confer corrosion resistance, moisture protection, immunity to interference, and vibration resistance throughout the entire panel PC. These features collectively furnish a reliable assurance for the uninterrupted functionality of marine equipment.


Industrial all-in-one Panel PCs can also facilitate the following applications within the maritime sector:


1. Seamlessly connecting ships to shores and enabling edge computing: In the age of smart marine operations, individual vessels are no longer isolated entities. Internet of Things and cloud computing technologies unify the entire ship ecosystem. The fifth-generation X86 architecture all-in-one Panel PC harnesses IoT 4G/5G technology, RS485, and other serial communication methods as information transmission mediums. This enables the exchange of data between offshore ships and shore-based facilities, enabling deep integration of intelligent scenarios like ship sensing, safe-assisted navigation, and energy efficiency control.


On the other hand, within the unique marine environment, communication bandwidth is constrained, making it challenging to implement real-time cloud-based solutions for intelligent vessels. This necessitates prominent edge computing deployments at the forefront of data acquisition. The fifth-generation all-in-one panel computer is armed with robust Intel i7 dual-core processors and is compatible with SATA2.0, MSATA, and M.2 memory expansion options. This empowers it to deliver potent on-site computing capabilities and extensive data storage capabilities. It also facilitates cloud access to historical data, facilitating comprehensive big data collection from ships and offering support for informed data-driven decision-making processes.


2. Integrated control: Ships, being multifaceted heavy industrial machinery, encompass numerous sensing systems and hardware components within their hulls. To enhance operational efficiency and minimize operating expenses, integrated management is indispensable. The fifth-generation intelligent industrial all-in-one computer is adaptable to a wide range of communication software, hardware, and communication protocols. It boasts an array of rich I/O ports, such as USB, serial ports, and GPIO ports, enabling seamless connectivity to an extensive array of peripheral hardware and sensors. This facilitates real-time monitoring of the operational health of onboard electronic equipment, ensuring the ships operate efficiently and reliably.


3. Intelligent interaction: Concerning visual representation, the fifth-generation Touchscreen PC series incorporates top-tier industrial control LCD screens. These screens facilitate configuration enhancements and tailored adjustments, including screen dimensions, luminosity, viewing angles, and resolution. When combined with ship information perception systems (such as electronic charts, AIS, and navigation radar), they can provide a centralized display of vital ship data, encompassing alterations in heading, speed, position, obstacle alerts, and other critical information. This setup streamlines real-time monitoring and interactive control for personnel within the main control room.


4. Multimedia Capabilities: Certain civilian vessels feature cruise cabins, dining establishments, entertainment hubs, lobbies, and more. Touch Think industrial panel PCs are adept at supporting multimedia applications, encompassing audio and video entertainment, information guidance kiosks, safety instruction displays, advertising displays, and beyond. These solutions deliver robust security and system compatibility, accompanied by potent software capabilities.


Touch Think Application Empowerment

Touch Think's industrial all-in-one Panel PC holds a pivotal role in driving digital and intelligent transformation within the maritime domain, effectively enhancing efficiency and mitigating labor expenses.


Currently, the fifth-generation touch screen all-in-one computers are widely used in marine and offshore applications. In the future, Touch Think will continue to leverage its advantages in system development and intelligent hardware, continuously refine its technology, and provide all-in-one computing products that meet the needs of higher scenarios to realize ship intelligence and create great value.





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